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Five exercises to master the Python debugger

How do you do your debugging?


When programming (in Python) it is common to find oneself inserting print statements all over the code when trying to find out why things are not working as expected. This can often be a quick way of working out what is going on.

However, it can become tedious whenever the problem is not resolved by the first print statement. I have often found myself spending significant amounts of time scattering print statements all over my code to work out what is going on. Usually this is followed by me spending time hunting through my code for the print statements so that I can delete them. After which I often realise that I still needed them.

There is a more powerful way of finding out what a program is doing: using a debugger. However, people often shy away from debuggers because of their arcane interfaces. This post contains five exercises to help you master the Python debugger.

By the end of this post I hope that you will be substituting your print statements with import pdb; pdb.set_trace().

Exercise 1: stepping through a program

Let us start by stepping through a simple program. Copy and paste the code snippet below into a file named

name = 'alice'
greeting = 'hello ' + name

Now invoke the script using the python debugger via the command below.

python -m pdb

In the above pdb is the three letter acronym for the Python Debugger. You should be greeted by the prompt below.

-> name = 'alice'

The debugger shows the next line to be executed (-> name = 'alice') as well as the prompt for interacting with the debugger ((Pdb)).

Type in n, short for next, to execute the line displayed. You should now see the output below.

(Pdb) n
-> greeting = 'hello' + name

Let us check the value of the newly assigned name variable. Type in p name (p as in “print”). It should tell you that the name is “alice”. Type in n again to execute the next command. The greeting variable should now have been assigned the string “hello alice”.

(Pdb) p name
(Pdb) n
> -> print(greeting)
> (Pdb) p greeting
> 'hello alice'

When debugging it is quite easy to lose the frame of reference as to where one is in the code. To put things into context type in l as in list (the source code for the current file). You should see output below.

(Pdb) l
  1     name = 'alice'
  2     greeting = 'hello ' + name
  3  -> print(greeting)

Okay, so we are almost at the end. Type in n again to execute the last command.

(Pdb) n
hello alice

Finally, type in q to quit the debugger.

Well done! You have just used the Python debugger to step through a program.

Exercise 2: stepping into functions

Let us create a script with a function. Copy and paste the code snippet below into a file named

def greet(name):
    greeting = 'hello ' + name
    return greeting

greeting = greet('alice')

Start the debugger.

python -m pdb

This time, rather than stepping through the program, press c (which stands for “continue execution”). You should see the output below.

(Pdb) c
hello alice
The program finished and will be restarted
-> def greet(name):

Basically the program ran from beginning to end, printing out the greeting, and then it restarted itself leaving us at the (Pdb) prompt.

This time use n to walk through the script. Note that you only need to enter n three times to get to the end of the program and that the debugger does not step into the greet() function. You should see the output below.

-> def greet(name):
(Pdb) n
-> greeting = greet('alice')
(Pdb) n
-> print(greeting)
(Pdb) n
hello alice

In other words n continues execution until the next line in the current function is reached or it returns.

Press c to restart the program and press n once to get to the line where the greet function is about to be called.

-> def greet(name):
(Pdb) n

This time we will use s to step into the greet() function, then we will continue walking through the program using n. Note the difference now that you have stepped into the greet() function.

(Pdb) s
-> def greet(name):
(Pdb) n
-> greeting = 'hello ' + name
(Pdb) n
-> return greeting
(Pdb) n
>>'hello alice'
-> return greeting
(Pdb) n
-> print(greeting)
(Pdb) n
hello alice
-> print(greeting)

Finally let us have a look at the r command, which stands for return. This is similar to the c command, but rather than continuing to the end of the program r runs to the end of the function.

Let us try it out, start off by entering c to restart the program then enter n and s. You should now be in the greet() function.

(Pdb) c
The program finished and will be restarted
-> def greet(name):
(Pdb) n
-> greeting = greet('alice')
(Pdb) s
-> def greet(name):

As a sanity check, use l to list where you are in the code. You should see the below.

(Pdb) l
  1  -> def greet(name):
  2         greeting = 'hello ' + name
  3         return greeting
  5     greeting = greet('alice')
  6     print(greeting)

Now press r as in “return”.

(Pdb) r
>>'hello alice'
-> return greeting

Note that we are immediately placed at the end of the function where it is about to deliver its return value.

Exercise 3: getting help

When using a tool infrequently it is easy to forget what the commands are named and what they do. However, using the help command it is easy to refresh your memory.

(Pdb) help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF    bt         cont      enable  jump  pp       run      unt   
a      c          continue  exit    l     q        s        until 
alias  cl         d         h       list  quit     step     up    
args   clear      debug     help    n     r        tbreak   w     
b      commands   disable   ignore  next  restart  u        whatis
break  condition  down      j       p     return   unalias  where 

Miscellaneous help topics:
exec  pdb

Undocumented commands:
retval  rv

Let us have a look at the help descriptions of the commands that we have been using so far.

(Pdb) help n
Continue execution until the next line in the current function
is reached or it returns.
(Pdb) help s
Execute the current line, stop at the first possible occasion
(either in a function that is called or in the current function).
(Pdb) help c
Continue execution, only stop when a breakpoint is encountered.
(Pdb) help r
Continue execution until the current function returns.
(Pdb) help l
l(ist) [first [,last]]
List source code for the current file.
Without arguments, list 11 lines around the current line
or continue the previous listing.
With one argument, list 11 lines starting at that line.
With two arguments, list the given range;
if the second argument is less than the first, it is a count.
(Pdb) help help
Without argument, print the list of available commands.
With a command name as argument, print help about that command
"help pdb" pipes the full documentation file to the $PAGER
"help exec" gives help on the ! command

Exercise 4: interacting with the program under inspection

Up until this point we have not actually had any errors in our scripts to correct. Let us change that. Copy and paste the code below into a file named

import sys

def magic(x, y):
    return x + y * 2

x = sys.argv[1]
y = sys.argv[1]

answer = magic(x, y)
print('The answer is: {}'.format(answer))

Suppose that we run this script with the inputs 1 and 50 expecting the result 101.

python 1 50
The answer is: 111

What is going on?

Now, rather than inserting print statements all over the code to work it out, let us examine the code in the debugger.

python -m pdb 1 50

Let us get to the point where we have access to the variables x and y.

-> import sys
(Pdb) n
-> def magic(x, y):
(Pdb) n
-> x = sys.argv[1]
(Pdb) n
-> y = sys.argv[1]
(Pdb) n
-> answer = magic(x, y)

First of all let us see what attributes are available in the scope of the program. We can do this using p for print.

(Pdb) p dir()
['__builtins__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', 'magic', 'sys', 'x', 'y']

There is also pp for pretty print.

(Pdb) pp dir()

So what is x?

(Pdb) p x

Hey, that looks suspiciously like a string. Note that we can use raw Python within the debugger. Let us find out type x is.

(Pdb) type(x)
<type 'str'>

The fact that we can execute Python within the debugger means that we can change the input variables dynamically.

(Pdb) x = int(x)
(Pdb) y = int(y)

Let us just check the values before we run the program.

(Pdb) p x, y
(1, 1)

What y is 1 not 50?

Inspecting the code we find that I forgot to update the index when I copied the input parsing line (note line 7 in the code listing below).

(Pdb) l
  4         return x + y * 2
  6     x = sys.argv[1]
  7     y = sys.argv[1]
  9  -> answer = magic(x, y)
 10     print('The answer is: {}'.format(answer))

Ok, let us just change the value of y to 50 in the debugger before checking if the code works as expected by letting it run to completion.

(Pdb) y = 50
(Pdb) c
The answer is: 101
The program finished and will be restarted
-> import sys

Ok, so the example is a little bit naff. However, I hope it illustrates the power of working with the debugger, particularly if you are working on a more complicated code base.

Exercise 5: using breakpoints

So far we have been stepping though the scripts from beginning to end. However, when working on larger programs this is often not practical. To simulate such a situation, copy and paste the code below into a file named

import time

def slow_subtractor(a, b):
    """Return a minus b."""
    return a - b

some = slow_subtractor(12, 8)
crazy = slow_subtractor(12, 78)
scientific = slow_subtractor(56, 31)
experiment = slow_subtractor(101, 64)

total = some + crazy + scientific + experiment

experimental_fraction = experiment / total

When we run this code we get a ZeroDivisionError.

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 15, in <module>
    experimental_fraction = experiment / total
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

Stepping through the code in the debugger would be annoying as you would have to press n every time the slow_subtraction() function was called. Let us instead insert a breakpoint before the line that generates the error. This is achieved by importing the pdb module and using the pdb.set_trace() function.

import time

def slow_subtractor(a, b):
    """Return a minus b."""
    return a - b

some = slow_subtractor(12, 8)
crazy = slow_subtractor(12, 78)
scientific = slow_subtractor(56, 31)
experiment = slow_subtractor(101, 64)

total = some + crazy + scientific + experiment

import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
experimental_fraction = experiment / total

If we run the code now we get dumped into a debugger session before the offending line is executed.

-> experimental_fraction = experiment / total
(Pdb) p total
(Pdb) p some, crazy, scientific, experiment
(4, -66, 25, 37)

Ok, so it looks like there is something funny going on with the crazy variable. Perhaps the input arguments were given the wrong way around.

The take home message is that setting breakpoints is a powerful way of getting to the point of interest in your code when you want to examine what is going on.


In this post we have worked our way through some rather academic exercises to get ourselves familiar with the Python debugger and how to interact with it. Hopefully you now feel that you have the skill to step through and query the state of your program from with the debugger.

However, if you only take one thing away from this post please let it be the commitment to insert the line import pdb; pdb.set_trace() just above your code of interest the next time you feel tempted to print the value of a variable in a program that is not behaving as expected.

Further reading

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